all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 5HB 20 0 55.915834 -4.150306
G66 5HF 33 0 55.916625 -4.150317
G66 5HG 15 0 55.91722 -4.151759
G66 5HH 14 0 55.917173 -4.150876
G66 5HJ 20 0 55.916227 -4.146855
G66 5HL 6 0 55.91549 -4.146878
G66 5HN 5 0 55.916648 -4.145918
G66 5HP 2 0 55.91699 -4.146613
G66 5HR 23 0 55.918079 -4.147869
G66 5HS 19 0 55.916769 -4.147205
G66 5HT 13 0 55.917403 -4.14748
G66 5HU 6 0 55.918238 -4.147014
G66 5HW 24 0 55.916763 -4.145492
G66 5HX 13 0 55.918104 -4.146398
G66 5HY 1 0 55.918915 -4.146811
G66 5HZ 7 1 55.919193 -4.147387
G66 5JA 4 0 55.920647 -4.148524
G66 5JB 16 0 55.921269 -4.150479
G66 5JD 5 5 55.920941 -4.151245
G66 5JE 15 0 55.922013 -4.146935