all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 5NZ 3 0 55.920255 -4.139011
G66 5PA 8 0 55.921916 -4.142192
G66 5PB 9 0 55.922224 -4.142081
G66 5PD 24 0 55.922445 -4.139676
G66 5PF 20 0 55.922356 -4.139127
G66 5PG 20 0 55.921258 -4.139739
G66 5PH 9 0 55.922455 -4.138092
G66 5PJ 23 0 55.921461 -4.142022
G66 5PQ 27 0 55.921674 -4.138065
G66 5QA 30 0 55.919776 -4.145867
G66 5QG 18 0 55.920612 -4.145369
G66 5QL 16 0 55.919598 -4.147329
G66 5QS 40 0 55.920405 -4.147934
G66 5QW 8 0 55.920487 -4.145826
G66 5BF 9 0 55.919503 -4.135753
G66 5EE 12 0 55.910494 -4.145005
G66 5EF 5 0 55.909564 -4.145754