all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 5LQ 1 1 55.911071 -4.128617
G66 5LR 25 0 55.918709 -4.142639
G66 5LS 47 0 55.917968 -4.142886
G66 5LT 10 0 55.918918 -4.144043
G66 5LU 18 0 55.919136 -4.142358
G66 5LW 1 0 55.928342 -4.081444
G66 5LX 33 0 55.919457 -4.141512
G66 5LY 45 0 55.918581 -4.144824
G66 5NA 6 0 55.920714 -4.146223
G66 5ND 12 0 55.923264 -4.139641
G66 5NF 21 0 55.91994 -4.139026
G66 5NG 31 0 55.919647 -4.13933
G66 5NH 17 0 55.919366 -4.139506
G66 5NJ 26 0 55.919194 -4.138024
G66 5NL 14 0 55.919581 -4.136925
G66 5NN 28 0 55.920503 -4.13768
G66 5NP 32 0 55.912166 -4.147334
G66 5NQ 10 0 55.920124 -4.140348
G66 5NS 36 0 55.911783 -4.146097
G66 5NU 11 0 55.923542 -4.139672