all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 7GA 4 0 55.976345 -4.211236
G66 7GB 49 0 55.97483 -4.209018
G66 7GD 9 0 55.974857 -4.209516
G66 7GE 6 0 55.97457 -4.209468
G66 7GF 11 0 55.974684 -4.207631
G66 7GG 1 1 55.977224 -4.199777
G66 7GH 10 0 55.974875 -4.207978
G66 7GU 1 0 55.979891 -4.20392
G66 7GX 3 1 55.98128 -4.202621
G66 7HA 14 10 55.974725 -4.202328
G66 7HB 1 0 55.975466 -4.202278
G66 7HD 1 1 55.976059 -4.201587
G66 7HE 9 0 55.975901 -4.203373
G66 7HY 13 0 55.97582 -4.202887
G66 7HF 18 0 55.976636 -4.203511
G66 7HG 19 0 55.976471 -4.202668
G66 7HH 26 0 55.977289 -4.202682
G66 7HJ 23 0 55.978665 -4.206656
G66 7HL 22 0 55.977728 -4.208766
G66 7HN 11 0 55.976999 -4.20834