all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 7HP 10 0 55.977962 -4.207257
G66 7HQ 12 0 55.977615 -4.203566
G66 7HR 29 0 55.978821 -4.205478
G66 7HS 15 0 55.979179 -4.204056
G66 7HT 28 0 55.978667 -4.204011
G66 7HU 4 0 55.979781 -4.204058
G66 7HW 28 0 55.977358 -4.206854
G66 7HX 12 0 55.979902 -4.204786
G66 7JG 2 0 55.976538 -4.209664
G66 7JH 3 1 55.972185 -4.20462
G66 7JJ 14 5 55.974488 -4.20201
G66 7JL 1 1 55.973278 -4.201316
G66 7JN 12 0 55.975086 -4.203759
G66 7JP 28 0 55.975714 -4.204292
G66 7JQ 1 1 55.974085 -4.202404
G66 7JR 2 0 55.976629 -4.208066
G66 7JS 4 0 55.976681 -4.208546
G66 7JT 4 0 55.976798 -4.20953
G66 7JU 3 0 55.977163 -4.211202
G66 7JW 21 1 55.975499 -4.204744