all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 7NF 1 0 55.975963 -4.193856
G66 7NG 1 1 55.976509 -4.191979
G66 7NJ 10 0 55.968365 -4.191038
G66 7NL 6 0 55.975752 -4.195306
G66 7NN 9 0 55.964371 -4.19227
G66 7NP 5 0 55.963477 -4.212632
G66 7NQ 1 0 55.979701 -4.188345
G66 7NS 30 0 55.971871 -4.187454
G66 7NU 1 0 55.982369 -4.201528
G66 7NW 8 0 55.953373 -4.177155
G66 7NX 38 0 55.972908 -4.187769
G66 7LL 13 9 55.97399 -4.203697
G66 7AG 12 0 55.971736 -4.197771
G66 7GJ 27 0 55.973138 -4.204626
G66 7GL 14 0 55.973233 -4.206346
G66 7GN 26 0 55.974664 -4.205706
G66 7GP 35 0 55.973836 -4.20582
G66 7GQ 14 0 55.974228 -4.203967
G66 7AF 4 0 55.98331 -4.224218
G66 7LP 1 0 55.975333 -4.231437