all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 7JX 20 0 55.978142 -4.211226
G66 7JY 2 0 55.982213 -4.214909
G66 7JZ 4 0 55.980147 -4.215881
G66 7LA 1 0 55.978706 -4.212893
G66 7LD 2 0 55.973784 -4.227312
G66 7LE 52 0 55.975751 -4.219745
G66 7LF 6 0 55.975114 -4.220702
G66 7LG 3 0 55.972928 -4.215849
G66 7LH 4 0 55.973711 -4.199209
G66 7LJ 12 0 55.972532 -4.185664
G66 7LN 7 0 55.971966 -4.18919
G66 7LQ 2 0 55.970436 -4.203626
G66 7LR 19 0 55.972196 -4.187408
G66 7LT 12 0 55.971554 -4.188109
G66 7LX 20 3 55.974426 -4.199939
G66 7LY 7 0 55.974612 -4.198603
G66 7LZ 18 0 55.974492 -4.19576
G66 7NA 38 0 55.975258 -4.19513
G66 7NB 37 0 55.97602 -4.195205
G66 7NE 8 0 55.975735 -4.194247