all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 8EJ 2 0 55.967308 -4.176368
G66 8EL 7 0 55.973979 -4.17855
G66 8EN 4 0 55.978463 -4.159695
G66 8EP 5 0 55.959776 -4.159872
G66 8EQ 2 0 55.966197 -4.16597
G66 8ER 8 1 55.960343 -4.157757
G66 8ES 6 0 55.967303 -4.162134
G66 8ET 46 1 55.967065 -4.160839
G66 8EU 12 0 55.967168 -4.16163
G66 8EW 5 0 55.963955 -4.157285
G66 8EX 4 0 55.966131 -4.163383
G66 8EY 38 0 55.967917 -4.162521
G66 8EZ 30 0 55.967623 -4.161847
G66 8FQ 21 0 55.966074 -4.158973
G66 8FZ 42 0 55.964312 -4.16413
G66 8GQ 3 0 55.966468 -4.167712
G66 8HA 16 0 55.958958 -4.169567
G66 8HB 8 0 55.95937 -4.169157
G66 8HD 24 0 55.959663 -4.170375
G66 8HE 16 0 55.957679 -4.169736