all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 8HF 18 0 55.95791 -4.169412
G66 8HG 18 0 55.958248 -4.168582
G66 8HH 30 0 55.958342 -4.16628
G66 8HJ 22 0 55.957871 -4.167504
G66 8HL 57 0 55.957419 -4.16767
G66 8HN 22 0 55.965637 -4.172056
G66 8HP 3 0 55.962637 -4.170414
G66 8HQ 11 0 55.958719 -4.167327
G66 8HR 38 0 55.961209 -4.167306
G66 8HS 10 0 55.960088 -4.168685
G66 8HT 20 0 55.963262 -4.17016
G66 8HY 29 0 55.961631 -4.169877
G66 8JA 33 0 55.956477 -4.164526
G66 8JB 6 0 55.957611 -4.16491
G66 8JG 30 0 55.956742 -4.165806
G66 8JH 20 0 55.96206 -4.168475
G66 8JL 9 0 55.961933 -4.169092
G66 8JR 31 0 55.962735 -4.162296
G66 8JS 39 0 55.963016 -4.167278
G66 8JW 16 0 55.963127 -4.169143