all postcodes in G69 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G69 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G69 6DJ 8 0 55.854006 -4.11147
G69 6DL 14 0 55.854466 -4.113201
G69 6DN 1 1 55.853561 -4.108043
G69 6DP 12 3 55.856246 -4.106363
G69 6DQ 20 0 55.853756 -4.112124
G69 6DR 7 1 55.854291 -4.106113
G69 6DS 15 0 55.852788 -4.109371
G69 6DT 9 1 55.852149 -4.109928
G69 6DU 36 0 55.851664 -4.108879
G69 6DW 6 1 55.85469 -4.107477
G69 6DX 36 0 55.851788 -4.109493
G69 6DY 35 2 55.850997 -4.111371
G69 6DZ 40 0 55.851599 -4.110058
G69 6EB 1 0 55.850354 -4.112978
G69 6ED 10 0 55.851287 -4.113588
G69 6EH 13 0 55.855627 -4.107304
G69 6EP 30 0 55.854574 -4.108973
G69 6EQ 26 0 55.856156 -4.107924
G69 6ER 17 0 55.854724 -4.110195
G69 6ES 16 0 55.849868 -4.126019