all postcodes in G69 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G69 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G69 6ET 9 0 55.849969 -4.12799
G69 6EU 32 1 55.849932 -4.130113
G69 6EZ 4 3 55.84975 -4.132071
G69 6GA 49 31 55.860147 -4.113897
G69 6GD 7 3 55.860047 -4.119449
G69 6GW 60 0 55.85732 -4.121233
G69 6GX 10 0 55.858023 -4.120617
G69 6GY 17 0 55.857524 -4.119311
G69 6GZ 9 0 55.857582 -4.121168
G69 6HA 11 0 55.850655 -4.131942
G69 6HB 26 13 55.850855 -4.132895
G69 6HD 21 0 55.851387 -4.132253
G69 6HE 9 0 55.85239 -4.131429
G69 6HF 20 0 55.858503 -4.102602
G69 6HG 11 0 55.85804 -4.100212
G69 6HH 8 0 55.852844 -4.129601
G69 6HJ 40 0 55.851806 -4.130902
G69 6HL 17 0 55.851475 -4.13082
G69 6HN 16 0 55.852221 -4.129743
G69 6HP 7 0 55.850692 -4.127758