all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 2JD 1 1 55.828189 -4.211217
G73 2JF 6 6 55.828574 -4.218281
G73 2JH 18 9 55.828597 -4.217531
G73 2JJ 7 4 55.828498 -4.214061
G73 2JP 3 2 55.828688 -4.217968
G73 2JQ 15 3 55.828545 -4.216653
G73 2JZ 24 0 55.826941 -4.217182
G73 2LA 9 0 55.826548 -4.217495
G73 2LB 20 1 55.82734 -4.217223
G73 2LD 38 4 55.826053 -4.21753
G73 2LE 12 0 55.82523 -4.216829
G73 2LF 16 0 55.825293 -4.21332
G73 2LG 13 1 55.826032 -4.213218
G73 2LH 40 0 55.82601 -4.216937
G73 2LJ 8 0 55.826671 -4.216671
G73 2LL 28 0 55.825972 -4.216041
G73 2LN 26 0 55.82621 -4.215847
G73 2LP 9 0 55.826776 -4.21532
G73 2LQ 21 0 55.825512 -4.215152
G73 2LS 26 16 55.827633 -4.211922