all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 2EP 35 0 55.821699 -4.229224
G73 2EQ 28 0 55.822077 -4.230156
G73 2ER 42 0 55.822801 -4.22793
G73 2ES 5 0 55.824304 -4.228766
G73 2EW 33 0 55.821441 -4.232067
G73 2EX 57 0 55.817764 -4.218687
G73 2EZ 2 1 55.826443 -4.219088
G73 2HB 1 1 55.828677 -4.213608
G73 2HF 4 3 55.82862 -4.213
G73 2HG 24 6 55.828641 -4.212105
G73 2HH 10 4 55.828657 -4.211438
G73 2HJ 1 1 55.828625 -4.21324
G73 2HL 1 1 55.828713 -4.211598
G73 2HN 20 7 55.82869 -4.210878
G73 2HP 12 10 55.828184 -4.211488
G73 2HW 19 5 55.828155 -4.213131
G73 2HT 1 1 55.828158 -4.213435
G73 2HU 6 0 55.828021 -4.214577
G73 2HY 39 10 55.828129 -4.216821
G73 2HZ 21 4 55.827947 -4.21569