all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 3QS 6 0 55.820053 -4.210867
G73 3QT 25 0 55.820836 -4.209794
G73 3QU 11 0 55.82102 -4.207317
G73 3QW 34 0 55.818645 -4.211186
G73 3QX 2 0 55.820645 -4.211191
G73 3QZ 6 2 55.821593 -4.208209
G73 3RD 32 0 55.816871 -4.209904
G73 3RG 28 0 55.817553 -4.200445
G73 3RH 4 0 55.817875 -4.201006
G73 3RJ 7 2 55.81944 -4.202452
G73 3RL 24 0 55.819092 -4.201809
G73 3RN 14 6 55.817594 -4.20144
G73 3RP 13 4 55.817198 -4.201702
G73 3RQ 36 0 55.818872 -4.200073
G73 3RR 32 0 55.817357 -4.203324
G73 3RS 2 0 55.817877 -4.205702
G73 3RT 32 0 55.817585 -4.207646
G73 3RX 2 0 55.817443 -4.209844
G73 3RY 16 0 55.816836 -4.207317
G73 3RZ 31 0 55.817709 -4.203743