all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 1ER 59 0 55.827876 -4.222121
G73 1ES 5 2 55.827797 -4.223489
G73 1ET 28 0 55.827778 -4.225037
G73 1EU 16 0 55.826962 -4.225438
G73 1EX 18 0 55.827023 -4.226527
G73 1EY 2 0 55.826834 -4.226069
G73 1EZ 27 0 55.826443 -4.227324
G73 1HA 4 0 55.826108 -4.228406
G73 1HD 11 0 55.826206 -4.226991
G73 1HE 10 0 55.826527 -4.226115
G73 1HF 39 0 55.827892 -4.22672
G73 1HG 34 0 55.827274 -4.22809
G73 1HH 3 0 55.826463 -4.229177
G73 1HJ 56 0 55.827308 -4.229194
G73 1HL 18 0 55.82854 -4.229136
G73 1HN 6 0 55.828091 -4.228584
G73 1HP 10 0 55.82918 -4.227544
G73 1HQ 10 3 55.826557 -4.228464
G73 1HR 43 0 55.828327 -4.226011
G73 1HS 38 0 55.828879 -4.225819