all postcodes in G73 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G73 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G73 1LD 3 3 55.832576 -4.219389
G73 1LG 34 0 55.829888 -4.219186
G73 1LJ 4 3 55.830117 -4.220923
G73 1SA 1 0 55.835876 -4.226027
G73 1LQ 6 0 55.830088 -4.220075
G73 1LS 66 0 55.829215 -4.219163
G73 1LX 10 9 55.832128 -4.211842
G73 1NP 8 6 55.833213 -4.210994
G73 1NY 1 1 55.836227 -4.208559
G73 1PP 5 5 55.831283 -4.19758
G73 1PT 10 8 55.828828 -4.194395
G73 1PW 56 5 55.836961 -4.201944
G73 1PX 1 1 55.828928 -4.19609
G73 1RE 36 0 55.826525 -4.224758
G73 1RF 15 0 55.827196 -4.224429
G73 1RG 48 0 55.82698 -4.22298
G73 1RW 11 8 55.833633 -4.217581
G73 1SG 1 1 55.835572 -4.22791
G73 1SP 1 1 55.833407 -4.225375
G73 1SR 1 1 55.835121 -4.225025