all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 1DP 24 0 55.767138 -4.195148
G74 1DQ 8 0 55.765962 -4.188546
G74 1DR 6 0 55.766833 -4.195899
G74 1DS 5 0 55.766579 -4.194782
G74 1DT 60 0 55.765785 -4.195423
G74 1DU 39 0 55.764544 -4.192468
G74 1DW 7 0 55.766204 -4.195144
G74 1DX 17 0 55.764091 -4.191677
G74 1DY 19 0 55.763642 -4.193166
G74 1DZ 12 0 55.764823 -4.190427
G74 1EA 10 0 55.764161 -4.190741
G74 1EB 8 0 55.764492 -4.189819
G74 1ED 6 0 55.764814 -4.188912
G74 1EG 8 0 55.764154 -4.184077
G74 1EJ 26 0 55.761853 -4.192173
G74 1EL 42 0 55.763022 -4.19514
G74 1EN 29 0 55.762283 -4.193744
G74 1EP 12 0 55.762957 -4.193766
G74 1ER 7 0 55.76408 -4.195263
G74 1ES 32 0 55.764595 -4.195133