all postcodes in G74 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G74 1JB 12 0 55.76206 -4.190865
G74 1JD 34 0 55.761267 -4.189223
G74 1JE 38 0 55.762022 -4.188708
G74 1JF 6 0 55.761516 -4.187867
G74 1JG 26 0 55.761594 -4.186516
G74 1JN 1 1 55.761358 -4.176541
G74 1JP 1 1 55.761358 -4.176541
G74 1JQ 22 0 55.76103 -4.187409
G74 1JR 8 6 55.761061 -4.175058
G74 1JT 2 2 55.760471 -4.173625
G74 1JU 12 11 55.760909 -4.176021
G74 1LB 20 13 55.760552 -4.175874
G74 1LD 3 2 55.761194 -4.176659
G74 1LE 1 1 55.761367 -4.177051
G74 1LF 30 15 55.761416 -4.177293
G74 1LJ 71 29 55.760878 -4.178031
G74 1LL 49 41 55.760173 -4.182773
G74 1LQ 15 2 55.761416 -4.177293
G74 1LR 1 1 55.760518 -4.177291
G74 1LS 6 5 55.760707 -4.178548