all postcodes in G81 / CLYDEBANK

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G81 4ET 45 3 55.908873 -4.424955
G81 4EU 1 1 55.909073 -4.425622
G81 4EX 13 1 55.908509 -4.424276
G81 4EY 34 0 55.909064 -4.423766
G81 4HA 12 5 55.908597 -4.427978
G81 4HB 2 2 55.908526 -4.426117
G81 4HD 8 6 55.909929 -4.427917
G81 4HJ 57 0 55.910523 -4.431027
G81 4HL 1 1 55.911023 -4.432433
G81 4HN 2 1 55.911921 -4.433067
G81 4HP 36 0 55.911234 -4.430063
G81 4HR 17 1 55.911069 -4.427988
G81 4HT 25 19 55.907691 -4.43368
G81 4JA 25 0 55.911738 -4.434478
G81 4JH 41 1 55.912156 -4.435722
G81 4JJ 13 0 55.912334 -4.436596
G81 4JL 30 0 55.911929 -4.437979
G81 4JN 27 0 55.912354 -4.437429
G81 4JP 62 0 55.913117 -4.439717
G81 4JQ 1 0 55.911503 -4.435455