all postcodes in G81 / CLYDEBANK

find any address or company within the G81 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G81 4LW 32 0 55.916853 -4.439888
G81 4LX 4 3 55.911679 -4.428794
G81 4NE 23 1 55.920562 -4.433207
G81 4NF 22 0 55.918721 -4.432659
G81 4NG 2 0 55.917997 -4.432615
G81 4NH 8 0 55.916491 -4.431815
G81 4NJ 4 0 55.9156 -4.43232
G81 4NL 1 1 55.915397 -4.431844
G81 4NN 20 0 55.915628 -4.433202
G81 4NP 23 0 55.915634 -4.43517
G81 4NQ 28 0 55.917435 -4.433171
G81 4NR 16 0 55.915761 -4.43465
G81 4NS 9 0 55.916459 -4.436182
G81 4NT 20 0 55.916387 -4.434834
G81 4NU 9 0 55.916912 -4.435523
G81 4NW 4 0 55.914902 -4.433205
G81 4NX 34 0 55.916994 -4.434135
G81 4NY 16 0 55.916317 -4.433821
G81 4NZ 30 0 55.916261 -4.432569
G81 4PA 40 0 55.913337 -4.43317