all postcodes in G82 / DUMBARTON

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G82 1LF 12 8 55.943316 -4.571777
G82 1LG 5 2 55.942847 -4.571025
G82 1LH 1 0 55.944315 -4.570096
G82 1LJ 8 7 55.943816 -4.570319
G82 1LL 24 16 55.943296 -4.569309
G82 1LQ 7 5 55.94438 -4.570358
G82 1LS 18 13 55.943009 -4.570155
G82 1LT 1 1 55.942955 -4.568965
G82 1LW 1 1 55.943224 -4.568888
G82 1LX 1 1 55.94295 -4.569526
G82 1NB 1 1 55.942927 -4.567154
G82 1NH 9 1 55.945959 -4.568844
G82 1AG 1 1 55.944945 -4.569193
G82 1NJ 1 1 55.944923 -4.569753
G82 1NL 1 1 55.94357 -4.567789
G82 1NR 15 4 55.946089 -4.571671
G82 1NS 14 2 55.946245 -4.571537
G82 1NT 3 2 55.944692 -4.573486
G82 1NW 4 4 55.944783 -4.573507
G82 1NY 9 5 55.944448 -4.573628