all postcodes in G82 / DUMBARTON

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G82 1NZ 8 4 55.944325 -4.573381
G82 1PQ 36 18 55.943774 -4.571934
G82 1PS 1 1 55.943994 -4.572141
G82 1PW 1 1 55.946192 -4.573953
G82 1QA 1 1 55.946251 -4.565516
G82 1QL 10 5 55.943512 -4.567224
G82 1QQ 1 1 55.9441 -4.567824
G82 1QR 1 1 55.944412 -4.56666
G82 1QS 9 3 55.943336 -4.566941
G82 1QU 8 1 55.942573 -4.560436
G82 1QY 15 1 55.943416 -4.563567
G82 1QZ 2 2 55.942931 -4.561932
G82 1RB 19 13 55.943751 -4.56085
G82 1RE 21 7 55.943153 -4.558151
G82 1RF 82 1 55.943421 -4.556809
G82 1RG 16 4 55.942695 -4.556376
G82 1RH 21 4 55.942295 -4.554892
G82 1RQ 46 9 55.942486 -4.555657
G82 1RY 31 0 55.946161 -4.569065
G82 1RZ 31 0 55.946229 -4.569726