all postcodes in G83 / ARROCHAR

find any address or company within the G83 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G83 0UG 5 55.991935 -4.583697
G83 0UH 0 55.992409 -4.581243
G83 0UJ 2 55.985512 -4.574979
G83 0UL 3 55.985238 -4.575186
G83 0UN 1 55.985184 -4.577299
G83 0UP 1 55.985227 -4.575793
G83 0UR 0 55.992208 -4.583122
G83 0US 0 55.991481 -4.58272
G83 0UT 0 55.991001 -4.581983
G83 0UU 0 55.991364 -4.580516
G83 0UW 2 55.987292 -4.576236
G83 0UX 0 55.992047 -4.580514
G83 0UY 0 55.992527 -4.58077
G83 0UZ 0 55.992942 -4.582418
G83 0TB 28 0 55.985791 -4.574517
G83 0AW 0 55.984015 -4.580891
G83 0AH 20 0 55.983051 -4.580892
G83 0SP 27 0 55.983153 -4.576891
G83 0SJ 3 0 55.983315 -4.576437
G83 0TD 1 55.992925 -4.580331