all postcodes in G83 / ARROCHAR

find any address or company within the G83 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G83 0SH 0 55.981869 -4.579835
G83 0SL 0 55.982848 -4.578586
G83 0SN 0 55.997118 -4.594998
G83 0SQ 0 55.999387 -4.581965
G83 0SR 1 55.982813 -4.577348
G83 0SS 1 55.9853 -4.575718
G83 0ST 1 55.98387 -4.575688
G83 0SU 0 55.983123 -4.576183
G83 0SW 0 55.995295 -4.594458
G83 0SX 0 55.984293 -4.574786
G83 0SY 0 55.983892 -4.574214
G83 0SZ 0 55.984311 -4.573938
G83 0TA 4 55.984717 -4.579126
G83 0TJ 1 55.994115 -4.578775
G83 0TL 15 55.993491 -4.576777
G83 0TP 1 55.99221 -4.575746
G83 0TX 0 55.998627 -4.593735
G83 0UA 1 55.993086 -4.591825
G83 0UE 2 55.993443 -4.584664
G83 0UF 0 55.992411 -4.582029