all postcodes in G / Glasgow

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District

G / Glasgow

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 2PF 6 55.861119 -4.255008
G1 2PP 5 55.860836 -4.255215
G1 2PS 7 55.861049 -4.255673
G1 2PT 6 55.861782 -4.255396
G1 2PW 2 55.860949 -4.254934
G1 2QH 7 55.86233 -4.25463
G1 2RL 3 55.865689 -4.254056
G1 2RN 1 55.864642 -4.254331
G1 2RQ 19 55.863926 -4.25386
G1 2RX 10 55.864204 -4.254851
G1 2SB 3 55.863793 -4.254537
G1 2SD 3 55.863367 -4.25472
G1 2SH 3 55.862746 -4.254974
G1 2TB 1 55.862701 -4.24789
G1 2TD 0 55.864214 -4.245788
G1 2TE 0 55.864214 -4.245788
G1 2TF 0 55.864214 -4.245788
G1 2YF 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G1 3AA 2 55.86055 -4.253696
G1 3AB 7 55.860523 -4.252704