all postcodes in G / Glasgow

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District

G / Glasgow

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 3HL 13 55.859243 -4.254883
G1 3JE 4 55.859649 -4.254089
G1 3JL 2 55.859426 -4.254222
G1 3JN 41 55.859197 -4.253442
G1 3JX 2 55.859154 -4.254334
G1 3LB 4 55.858385 -4.2544
G1 3LN 13 55.859567 -4.256082
G1 3LX 0 55.859711 -4.255595
G1 3NQ 19 55.860122 -4.255461
G1 3NA 14 55.859995 -4.255534
G1 3NU 12 55.859853 -4.25522
G1 3PE 2 55.860382 -4.256451
G1 3PF 6 55.860382 -4.255988
G1 3PL 7 55.860229 -4.255036
G1 3PR 1 55.860233 -4.25505
G1 3PT 9 55.860521 -4.254797
G1 3PU 28 55.860705 -4.256292
G1 3PW 1 55.860342 -4.255234
G1 3QQ 8 55.86014 -4.256691
G1 3QS 6 55.859569 -4.256466