all postcodes in GL10 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL10 3DF 5 0 51.769105 -2.266136
GL10 3DG 9 0 51.767336 -2.261271
GL10 3DJ 4 0 51.767751 -2.278471
GL10 3DL 6 0 51.765946 -2.279231
GL10 3DN 7 0 51.772772 -2.289636
GL10 3DP 8 6 51.791919 -2.28741
GL10 3DQ 5 0 51.770833 -2.273349
GL10 3DR 11 0 51.780986 -2.287572
GL10 3DS 8 0 51.779362 -2.278386
GL10 3DT 1 0 51.786542 -2.2763
GL10 3DU 23 0 51.788 -2.275932
GL10 3DW 10 1 51.773659 -2.290888
GL10 3DX 4 1 51.787765 -2.272625
GL10 3DY 1 0 51.788241 -2.272598
GL10 3DZ 7 0 51.788162 -2.271989
GL10 3EA 4 0 51.788063 -2.27167
GL10 3EB 7 0 51.788999 -2.271356
GL10 3ED 3 0 51.789405 -2.270822
GL10 3EE 12 0 51.790143 -2.270609
GL10 3EF 13 1 51.790875 -2.268961