all postcodes in GL14 / MITCHELDEAN

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL14 1DJ 23 0 51.803728 -2.452077
GL14 1DL 17 0 51.804262 -2.453533
GL14 1DN 5 0 51.805892 -2.448053
GL14 1DP 13 0 51.805132 -2.451584
GL14 1DQ 12 0 51.80779 -2.451886
GL14 1DS 4 0 51.798965 -2.453654
GL14 1DT 5 0 51.7996 -2.454574
GL14 1DU 2 0 51.798542 -2.457681
GL14 1DW 29 0 51.804396 -2.45133
GL14 1DX 4 0 51.797746 -2.457339
GL14 1DY 1 0 51.796676 -2.457445
GL14 1DZ 5 0 51.787356 -2.456582
GL14 1EA 5 0 51.785714 -2.460248
GL14 1EB 4 0 51.786089 -2.453163
GL14 1ED 10 2 51.787631 -2.451786
GL14 1EE 1 0 51.784075 -2.45636
GL14 1EF 2 0 51.780817 -2.476462
GL14 1EG 5 0 51.778417 -2.449983
GL14 1EH 3 0 51.771798 -2.437556
GL14 1EJ 7 0 51.773053 -2.432278