all postcodes in GL15 / LYDNEY

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL15 5DF 49 0 51.727566 -2.518975
GL15 5DG 31 2 51.724509 -2.533142
GL15 5DH 10 0 51.724171 -2.534137
GL15 5DJ 26 0 51.723573 -2.535231
GL15 5DL 13 1 51.723636 -2.537215
GL15 5DN 1 1 51.724166 -2.53544
GL15 5DP 36 13 51.723833 -2.537463
GL15 5DQ 18 0 51.723578 -2.534116
GL15 5DS 1 0 51.713995 -2.536566
GL15 5DU 1 0 51.723225 -2.538686
GL15 5DX 5 5 51.72297 -2.539306
GL15 5DY 1 1 51.719558 -2.541105
GL15 5DZ 1 1 51.72199 -2.537296
GL15 5EA 7 3 51.722819 -2.536872
GL15 5ED 20 0 51.721854 -2.533647
GL15 5EE 17 0 51.722677 -2.538448
GL15 5EF 5 0 51.721105 -2.532147
GL15 5EG 9 1 51.719273 -2.531865
GL15 5EH 12 0 51.718025 -2.533442
GL15 5EL 7 7 51.712537 -2.536099