all postcodes in GL17 / LYDBROOK

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL17 9HB 0 51.857964 -2.51487
GL17 9HD 0 51.858289 -2.514279
GL17 9HE 0 51.858505 -2.514498
GL17 9HF 0 51.858097 -2.515307
GL17 9HG 0 51.858509 -2.515675
GL17 9HH 0 51.859321 -2.515147
GL17 9HJ 0 51.859119 -2.515755
GL17 9HL 0 51.858918 -2.516508
GL17 9HN 0 51.861843 -2.515844
GL17 9HP 5 51.863309 -2.513987
GL17 9HQ 0 51.858942 -2.515273
GL17 9HR 0 51.86039 -2.515188
GL17 9HS 0 51.858877 -2.511787
GL17 9HT 0 51.858369 -2.51274
GL17 9HY 0 51.859452 -2.513856
GL17 9HU 0 51.857942 -2.513708
GL17 9HW 0 51.863714 -2.515792
GL17 9HX 0 51.857363 -2.51466
GL17 9JA 3 51.853862 -2.517161
GL17 9JB 0 51.853964 -2.516726