all postcodes in GL19 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL19 3DE 0 51.911088 -2.314251
GL19 3DF 0 51.901389 -2.306799
GL19 3DG 0 51.906943 -2.300689
GL19 3DH 0 51.91128 -2.28493
GL19 3DJ 0 51.913453 -2.289959
GL19 3DL 0 51.873885 -2.402363
GL19 3DQ 0 51.9084 -2.289723
GL19 3DR 0 51.873825 -2.404193
GL19 3DS 0 51.872137 -2.405703
GL19 3DT 0 51.871455 -2.405406
GL19 3DU 1 51.873466 -2.404045
GL19 3DW 0 51.923112 -2.292072
GL19 3DX 0 51.874346 -2.401874
GL19 3DY 0 51.875017 -2.399846
GL19 3DZ 0 51.871683 -2.402271
GL19 3EA 25 4 51.871506 -2.39842
GL19 3EB 14 1 51.872981 -2.390648
GL19 3ED 14 0 51.870242 -2.389724
GL19 3EE 2 0 51.864438 -2.39326
GL19 3EF 16 2 51.867661 -2.381728