all postcodes in GL19 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL19 4AA 17 2 51.925814 -2.188768
GL19 4AB 2 0 51.931167 -2.180451
GL19 4AD 2 0 51.929074 -2.184937
GL19 4AE 5 0 51.930035 -2.18595
GL19 4AF 14 0 51.929252 -2.192476
GL19 4AG 30 0 51.933762 -2.188961
GL19 4AH 2 0 51.935165 -2.176424
GL19 4AJ 4 0 51.935314 -2.172962
GL19 4AL 7 0 51.936113 -2.174193
GL19 4AN 2 0 51.936288 -2.170842
GL19 4AP 5 0 51.952839 -2.200318
GL19 4AQ 4 1 51.931628 -2.179615
GL19 4AR 1 0 51.938678 -2.165926
GL19 4AS 6 0 51.941075 -2.168626
GL19 4AT 1 0 51.940432 -2.165482
GL19 4AU 1 0 51.940837 -2.165221
GL19 4AW 1 0 51.93803 -2.166738
GL19 4AX 1 0 51.941046 -2.164116
GL19 4AY 2 0 51.941241 -2.16494
GL19 4AZ 3 0 51.941084 -2.162662