all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 7DJ 8 0 51.720735 -2.409079
GL2 7DL 8 0 51.719679 -2.389137
GL2 7DN 12 0 51.717169 -2.385423
GL2 7DP 1 0 51.721748 -2.375098
GL2 7DQ 2 0 51.726806 -2.388618
GL2 7DR 16 0 51.727272 -2.37691
GL2 7DS 13 0 51.727992 -2.379391
GL2 7DT 6 0 51.72675 -2.379685
GL2 7DU 14 0 51.766615 -2.366123
GL2 7DW 2 1 51.718402 -2.376618
GL2 7DX 4 0 51.76624 -2.367046
GL2 7DY 36 5 51.76686 -2.36827
GL2 7DZ 5 1 51.762178 -2.361769
GL2 7EA 29 0 51.765697 -2.369434
GL2 7EB 7 0 51.765297 -2.370836
GL2 7ED 48 0 51.763034 -2.369774
GL2 7EE 21 1 51.761276 -2.368427
GL2 7EG 4 0 51.761252 -2.370296
GL2 7EH 19 3 51.759456 -2.372411
GL2 7EJ 4 0 51.757013 -2.374448