all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 6ET 5 0 52.048384 -2.200265
GL20 6EU 33 2 52.040723 -2.183858
GL20 6EW 6 0 52.029875 -2.181496
GL20 6EX 1 1 52.039664 -2.183642
GL20 6EY 19 1 52.038059 -2.185844
GL20 6EZ 12 0 52.037963 -2.183788
GL20 6FL 8 1 52.028008 -2.140583
GL20 6HA 8 0 52.038605 -2.181662
GL20 6HB 7 1 52.040936 -2.173945
GL20 6HD 65 1 52.046963 -2.17259
GL20 6HE 12 3 52.047462 -2.175421
GL20 6HF 1 1 52.046162 -2.172361
GL20 6HG 7 0 52.032816 -2.16344
GL20 6HP 7 2 52.000357 -2.182469
GL20 6HQ 6 0 52.038872 -2.183719
GL20 6HR 5 0 52.005215 -2.180755
GL20 6HS 15 1 52.006039 -2.183162
GL20 6HT 13 2 52.0072 -2.182387
GL20 6HU 6 0 52.008822 -2.185781
GL20 6HX 4 0 52.008676 -2.186975