all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 9TA 1 1 51.899129 -2.078114
GL50 9AN 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9DJ 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9DP 1 0 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9DQ 1 0 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9DR 1 0 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9DS 1 0 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9DT 1 0 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9FX 1 1 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9HF 1 0 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9HQ 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9JB 1 51.905661 -2.082043
GL50 9JH 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9JN 1 0 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9NF 1 0 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9NJ 0 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9NS 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9LD 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9LR 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL50 9PD 0 51.905654 -2.08205