all postcodes in GL52 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL52 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL52 5QF 0 51.904214 -2.052948
GL52 5QG 1 51.904269 -2.051669
GL52 5QH 2 51.904574 -2.051524
GL52 5QJ 1 51.905941 -2.051482
GL52 5QL 0 51.906211 -2.051134
GL52 5QN 0 51.905699 -2.049941
GL52 5QP 0 51.9064 -2.050538
GL52 5QQ 0 51.904502 -2.052905
GL52 5QR 0 51.906742 -2.05048
GL52 5QS 0 51.907119 -2.05067
GL52 5QT 0 51.90702 -2.051367
GL52 5QU 0 51.906588 -2.051294
GL52 5QW 1 51.905941 -2.050261
GL52 5QY 0 51.905931 -2.054331
GL52 5QZ 0 51.905769 -2.054927
GL52 5SA 0 51.909804 -2.035918
GL52 5SB 0 51.909363 -2.03647
GL52 5SD 0 51.909839 -2.037139
GL52 5SE 0 51.909571 -2.034086
GL52 5SF 0 51.908887 -2.034274