all postcodes in GL53 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL53 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL53 7EH 5 5 51.883244 -2.07327
GL53 7EJ 20 0 51.883668 -2.073075
GL53 7EL 13 0 51.884109 -2.07309
GL53 7EN 2 0 51.884448 -2.073534
GL53 7ER 11 10 51.883423 -2.077084
GL53 7ET 1 1 51.905654 -2.08205
GL53 7EX 48 0 51.888205 -2.064045
GL53 7EY 8 0 51.888825 -2.063697
GL53 7EZ 47 0 51.887513 -2.063288
GL53 7HA 9 4 51.897748 -2.072037
GL53 7HB 15 0 51.897686 -2.071732
GL53 7HD 2 2 51.897594 -2.072175
GL53 7HF 1 0 51.897209 -2.071411
GL53 7HG 35 13 51.897532 -2.073359
GL53 7HH 1 1 51.893406 -2.072568
GL53 7HJ 18 0 51.896569 -2.073924
GL53 7HL 27 6 51.896363 -2.073038
GL53 7HN 17 1 51.896453 -2.072558
GL53 7HP 10 2 51.895787 -2.072608
GL53 7HQ 1 1 51.897082 -2.073736