all postcodes in GL53 / CHELTENHAM

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL53 8EQ 6 0 51.881429 -2.058224
GL53 8ER 1 1 51.888504 -2.058335
GL53 8ES 25 0 51.889295 -2.060051
GL53 8ET 1 0 51.889053 -2.057813
GL53 8EU 1 0 51.872413 -2.052911
GL53 8EX 24 0 51.885763 -2.05682
GL53 8EY 1 1 51.885734 -2.060394
GL53 8EZ 33 6 51.884308 -2.054552
GL53 8HA 7 0 51.88393 -2.054522
GL53 8HB 12 0 51.887642 -2.056038
GL53 8HD 10 0 51.886995 -2.056589
GL53 8HE 2 0 51.887929 -2.055842
GL53 8HF 17 0 51.886195 -2.055775
GL53 8HG 6 0 51.887929 -2.054985
GL53 8HH 3 0 51.888489 -2.054063
GL53 8HJ 4 0 51.888138 -2.054048
GL53 8HL 2 0 51.888154 -2.054491
GL53 8HN 14 1 51.888407 -2.054484
GL53 8HP 2 0 51.888181 -2.055145
GL53 8HQ 3 0 51.888129 -2.053365