all postcodes in GL54 / CHELTENHAM

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL54 5UQ 0 51.954381 -1.964643
GL54 5DE 4 0 51.974354 -1.994713
GL54 5UL 1 51.954372 -1.964652
GL54 5GB 43 0 51.961114 -1.961625
GL54 5GD 6 0 51.961474 -1.962303
GL54 5GE 17 0 51.960835 -1.961407
GL54 5GF 13 0 51.961752 -1.960955
GL54 5GG 5 0 51.961581 -1.960388
GL54 5GH 6 0 51.961122 -1.95985
GL54 5FB 35 0 51.962797 -1.96778
GL54 5FD 19 0 51.962698 -1.968173
GL54 5FE 8 0 51.962698 -1.968595
GL54 5FG 8 0 51.963417 -1.967431
GL54 5FH 10 0 51.963022 -1.967431
GL54 5FJ 12 0 51.961952 -1.968596
GL54 5SG 0 51.957194 -1.863983
GL54 5YR 1 0 51.954372 -1.964652
GL54 5TP 1 0 51.898042 -1.958316