all postcodes in GL54 / CHELTENHAM

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL54 1LW 5 0 51.927523 -1.748351
GL54 1LX 13 0 51.929475 -1.717363
GL54 1LY 4 0 51.927245 -1.748808
GL54 1LZ 3 0 51.929131 -1.74811
GL54 1WD 1 1 51.929266 -1.724054
GL54 1LT 5 0 51.929983 -1.726697
GL54 1LP 0 51.925956 -1.747429
GL54 1HH 1 51.927541 -1.716925
GL54 1WR 1 51.929266 -1.724054
GL54 1FD 2 0 51.930357 -1.721303
GL54 1FE 8 0 51.930257 -1.720834
GL54 1WH 1 0 51.929266 -1.724054
GL54 1BS 0 51.930214 -1.717988
GL54 1FG 1 0 51.934792 -1.722221
GL54 2AA 21 4 51.884149 -1.755988
GL54 2AD 1 1 51.883754 -1.756267
GL54 2AE 6 4 51.883602 -1.756602
GL54 2AF 1 1 51.883231 -1.755601
GL54 2AG 1 1 51.883439 -1.756443
GL54 2AJ 1 1 51.884142 -1.756889