all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 7DQ 3 0 51.745145 -2.155308
GL6 7DR 17 0 51.737012 -2.158871
GL6 7DS 49 0 51.736507 -2.159811
GL6 7DT 3 0 51.736241 -2.157174
GL6 7DU 26 0 51.737492 -2.156339
GL6 7DW 25 0 51.739082 -2.157373
GL6 7DX 9 0 51.735924 -2.158882
GL6 7DY 23 2 51.735165 -2.158976
GL6 7EA 33 3 51.736712 -2.161767
GL6 7EB 1 0 51.736109 -2.161909
GL6 7ED 14 0 51.737449 -2.161769
GL6 7EE 21 0 51.738565 -2.161179
GL6 7EF 12 0 51.733769 -2.163537
GL6 7EG 27 0 51.734004 -2.162539
GL6 7EN 3 0 51.787299 -2.126438
GL6 7EP 31 0 51.789873 -2.11868
GL6 7EQ 6 0 51.734835 -2.163377
GL6 7ER 55 0 51.79319 -2.119152
GL6 7ES 10 4 51.803981 -2.126418
GL6 7ET 11 0 51.794253 -2.134307