all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 6JE 3 0 51.759248 -2.246982
GL6 6JF 2 0 51.759504 -2.247139
GL6 6JH 16 0 51.760703 -2.247439
GL6 6JJ 10 0 51.761396 -2.247254
GL6 6JL 8 0 51.763179 -2.244073
GL6 6JN 7 0 51.762872 -2.246408
GL6 6JP 6 0 51.770886 -2.236452
GL6 6JQ 9 1 51.759701 -2.24936
GL6 6JR 1 0 51.771563 -2.235223
GL6 6JS 20 0 51.765341 -2.235176
GL6 6JT 4 0 51.759009 -2.240606
GL6 6JU 1 0 51.759641 -2.247911
GL6 6JX 4 0 51.763627 -2.246716
GL6 6JY 3 0 51.753025 -2.251598
GL6 6LB 5 0 51.754997 -2.22333
GL6 6LD 5 0 51.755258 -2.223505
GL6 6LE 5 0 51.756319 -2.223554
GL6 6LF 5 0 51.759595 -2.221411
GL6 6DS 1 0 51.766409 -2.220513
GL6 6LG 2 1 51.761147 -2.22185