all postcodes in GL8 / TETBURY

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL8 8EB 0 51.634701 -2.165651
GL8 8ED 0 51.63369 -2.16349
GL8 8EE 0 51.632404 -2.162536
GL8 8EF 0 51.633618 -2.161861
GL8 8EG 0 51.633683 -2.162406
GL8 8EH 1 51.638756 -2.159539
GL8 8EL 0 51.644921 -2.167769
GL8 8EN 0 51.640655 -2.150745
GL8 8EP 0 51.639464 -2.154339
GL8 8EQ 1 51.640835 -2.152894
GL8 8ER 0 51.643297 -2.159049
GL8 8ES 8 51.63741 -2.158821
GL8 8ET 4 51.638136 -2.159089
GL8 8EU 1 51.637807 -2.157898
GL8 8EW 0 51.644189 -2.157303
GL8 8EX 0 51.632689 -2.16443
GL8 8EY 1 51.639132 -2.155749
GL8 8EZ 13 51.643293 -2.148398
GL8 8GY 0 51.682555 -2.169962
GL8 8GZ 0 51.643683 -2.152937