all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1SU 76 0 51.251066 -0.771814
GU11 1SZ 12 4 51.247556 -0.757881
GU11 1TF 5 0 51.249535 -0.759887
GU11 1TG 7 7 51.247796 -0.7568
GU11 1TH 1 1 51.248193 -0.757777
GU11 1TJ 19 3 51.247253 -0.755807
GU11 1TL 10 1 51.247018 -0.756376
GU11 1TP 18 0 51.24964 -0.761063
GU11 1TQ 12 0 51.247851 -0.757701
GU11 1TR 49 0 51.24944 -0.759191
GU11 1TS 6 1 51.248206 -0.756502
GU11 1TT 82 5 51.249617 -0.759942
GU11 1TU 1 1 51.249607 -0.760519
GU11 1TW 1 1 51.248865 -0.755051
GU11 1TY 31 2 51.248698 -0.760472
GU11 1TZ 29 0 51.249102 -0.760418
GU11 1UE 1 1 51.248531 -0.757382
GU11 1UL 1 0 51.248633 -0.761118
GU11 1XQ 1 1 51.248633 -0.761118
GU11 1YA 24 0 51.248395 -0.776972