all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1QZ 15 0 51.251801 -0.756262
GU11 1RB 28 0 51.250825 -0.757506
GU11 1RD 20 0 51.251412 -0.756931
GU11 1RE 15 0 51.251474 -0.760197
GU11 1RF 9 0 51.252036 -0.759795
GU11 1RG 2 2 51.252286 -0.761503
GU11 1RH 14 0 51.252197 -0.755477
GU11 1RJ 15 0 51.251053 -0.75611
GU11 1RL 25 0 51.25117 -0.762913
GU11 1RN 25 1 51.251908 -0.763825
GU11 1RP 20 0 51.250758 -0.763082
GU11 1RR 30 0 51.252396 -0.765789
GU11 1RY 64 0 51.251623 -0.765795
GU11 1SD 2 2 51.250542 -0.762338
GU11 1SG 3 1 51.249361 -0.758731
GU11 1SH 21 3 51.248079 -0.760728
GU11 1SJ 45 9 51.248012 -0.759555
GU11 1SL 22 0 51.248016 -0.756378
GU11 1SQ 3 3 51.251316 -0.77678
GU11 1SS 6 4 51.248317 -0.760278