all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 2NT 1 0 51.264791 -0.743255
GU11 2NX 2 2 51.268832 -0.741109
GU11 2NZ 3 0 51.263119 -0.742469
GU11 2PB 14 0 51.264523 -0.738461
GU11 2PE 20 0 51.263342 -0.740657
GU11 2PF 42 0 51.263896 -0.738621
GU11 2PG 8 0 51.263511 -0.741355
GU11 2PH 18 0 51.264166 -0.741151
GU11 2PN 7 0 51.252012 -0.754966
GU11 2PP 1 1 51.254868 -0.752926
GU11 2PQ 14 0 51.263449 -0.739723
GU11 2PS 1 1 51.258349 -0.739618
GU11 2PT 5 2 51.256954 -0.735496
GU11 2PU 2 0 51.26015 -0.734979
GU11 2PW 1 1 51.254693 -0.753447
GU11 2PX 20 15 51.263607 -0.733651
GU11 2PY 12 0 51.264742 -0.742038
GU11 2PZ 16 0 51.264985 -0.741286
GU11 2QH 34 0 51.253177 -0.751224
GU11 2QJ 10 0 51.253163 -0.749089