all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 2QL 15 0 51.253323 -0.748038
GU11 2QN 35 0 51.252464 -0.749265
GU11 2QP 42 0 51.251403 -0.753507
GU11 2QQ 48 0 51.252898 -0.752865
GU11 2QR 24 0 51.250888 -0.750755
GU11 2QS 24 0 51.250692 -0.75013
GU11 2QT 1 0 51.25255 -0.750596
GU11 2QW 43 0 51.251917 -0.75196
GU11 2LP 25 0 51.267268 -0.744506
GU11 2WZ 1 51.248633 -0.761118
GU11 2DX 3 3 51.254822 -0.741907
GU11 2EU 41 0 51.250084 -0.755491
GU11 2BG 4 4 51.260573 -0.746734
GU11 2BE 1 1 51.259257 -0.758927
GU11 2ES 1 0 51.259803 -0.76463
GU11 2EY 3 3 51.266457 -0.75116
GU11 2BD 2 2 51.260664 -0.748384
GU11 2AQ 1 1 51.256105 -0.742699
GU11 2HP 1 1 51.268027 -0.778859
GU11 2AE 1 1 51.250363 -0.754624