all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3RE 10 0 51.234904 -0.75709
GU11 3RF 16 0 51.234049 -0.756124
GU11 3RG 18 0 51.233348 -0.753863
GU11 3RH 22 0 51.231938 -0.748776
GU11 3RJ 58 2 51.233994 -0.756928
GU11 3RL 45 0 51.233441 -0.755654
GU11 3RN 46 0 51.233208 -0.754056
GU11 3RP 20 0 51.23218 -0.752093
GU11 3RQ 31 0 51.232674 -0.751177
GU11 3RR 42 0 51.23196 -0.750795
GU11 3RS 37 0 51.23146 -0.750293
GU11 3RT 47 0 51.231407 -0.748733
GU11 3RU 28 0 51.231094 -0.747224
GU11 3RW 30 0 51.232938 -0.753146
GU11 3RX 2 2 51.231639 -0.746865
GU11 3RY 26 0 51.235036 -0.759335
GU11 3SB 40 0 51.234739 -0.75506
GU11 3SD 12 0 51.235303 -0.75483
GU11 3SE 40 0 51.233677 -0.751637
GU11 3SF 42 0 51.233324 -0.752262