all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3SG 37 0 51.232772 -0.748539
GU11 3SH 23 0 51.233244 -0.748999
GU11 3SJ 56 0 51.234282 -0.751821
GU11 3SL 27 3 51.235422 -0.753366
GU11 3SN 33 2 51.234762 -0.749702
GU11 3SP 5 0 51.238846 -0.75313
GU11 3SQ 44 0 51.233484 -0.747832
GU11 3SS 15 1 51.239928 -0.754415
GU11 3ST 20 2 51.240454 -0.753044
GU11 3SU 7 0 51.239398 -0.753459
GU11 3SR 17 0 51.240716 -0.756475
GU11 3SW 53 1 51.234836 -0.748984
GU11 3SX 8 0 51.240286 -0.752418
GU11 3SY 9 0 51.240628 -0.755044
GU11 3SZ 25 0 51.235104 -0.750481
GU11 3TA 4 0 51.240894 -0.75296
GU11 3TB 20 0 51.235239 -0.751394
GU11 3TD 14 0 51.235855 -0.750919
GU11 3TG 8 0 51.237066 -0.762561
GU11 3TN 10 0 51.238391 -0.762812