all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3BB 26 0 51.243383 -0.781804
GU11 3BD 9 1 51.243209 -0.78496
GU11 3BE 23 0 51.244328 -0.779343
GU11 3BF 13 0 51.242292 -0.783279
GU11 3BG 27 0 51.244441 -0.781547
GU11 3BH 23 0 51.244755 -0.783172
GU11 3BJ 7 6 51.242315 -0.78819
GU11 3BL 8 0 51.24194 -0.782315
GU11 3BN 9 0 51.242702 -0.778584
GU11 3BP 4 0 51.242613 -0.781308
GU11 3BQ 31 0 51.24395 -0.783594
GU11 3BS 15 0 51.243137 -0.761753
GU11 3BT 36 1 51.242984 -0.76266
GU11 3BW 16 0 51.2424 -0.778062
GU11 3BX 16 0 51.2425 -0.763633
GU11 3BY 25 0 51.242081 -0.762326
GU11 3BZ 23 0 51.240124 -0.763424
GU11 3DA 41 0 51.238178 -0.763992
GU11 3DB 38 0 51.239225 -0.760941
GU11 3DD 9 2 51.241048 -0.764073